One of the truest assets on our journey to earning your maximum potential in this world is our spiritual wealth. Once we are able to acknowledge the importance of our spiritual wealth we can start laying the foundations to achieve a level of faith and spirituality that will be unshakeable. With that foundation in place, it becomes almost second nature to move in the world in a way that bears fruit for you and those around you.
Spiritual wealth is made up of five valuable assets that have nothing to do with the material goods that society constantly tries to persuade us into acquiring today. The world that people have created revolves around the value we place on all the objects that coexist with us on the planet. But in reality, in human life only five of those things really have the true value that we need in order to live our lives in a fulfilling way:
The air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink, a suitable environment in which to live, and the other people we interact with.
Outside of that, everything else has the relative value that we choose to give it.
Spiritual Wealth vs. Material Wealth.
Money is a paper composite that stores the value that we choose to give it at any particular time. I will never argue that it’s useless; the lesson here is another.
Your top three assets of true value are your body, your mind, and your life span (or time). Those are your absolute assets, which you must nurture deeply during your existence if you want a certain quality of life and to build a lasting positive legacy.
Perhaps this may seem like simple and obvious reasoning, but believe it or not, not knowing how to differentiate something so simple is the root of many the evils of the human existence.
The Wealth Within
Imagine now that you are the richest person on the planet and that you have all the money you want. You can buy all you want, however during your final hours you become aware that time is running out, you try buy one more hour of life. But you soon understand that even by offering all your fortune you will never acquire a single second of life. Then you realize that a simple and brief moment of your life has an incalculable value that is worth much more than all the money that exists in the world.
The daily work you do in your job is nothing more than a utilitarian exchange of time for money. This barter or exchange is part of the system devised by humans to drive civilization, part of the the ramifications (purposefully or not is a different argument) is that only a few live well at the expense of the rest.
Then reason for a moment: If a second of your time has an impossible value to calculate and much greater than all the money that exists on the planet, why do we accept minimum wage for an hour of our time and we dedicate our whole lives to earning and depending on this repeatedly?
Before civilizations invented money; air, water, food, and the environment were freely available to man courtesy of Mother Nature. However, now and thanks to the supposed “social development” we need to exchange our time, our body and our mind to a third party to obtain resources that nature has always given us for free. We have called this nefarious trade-in or hustle “progress”, but … What kind of progress is this? At what expense?
The reality is that today millions of people no longer have free access to food, water and their environment.
Is this the civilization we want? Is this the evolution we have been pursuing? I’m sure not, but it is what the most powerful of the world’s population want. Yes, the same ones who own all the money on the planet. This is not progress. It is some other machinery disguised as “progress.”
Since we were little we have been educated to exchange our body, our mind and our time for colorful notes when we grow up. We have been scammed while we accepted everything that was proposed to us without even questioning it. And this is something very dangerous because we have ended up believing that everything can be exchanged for paper notes. In fact, the planet today revolves around that idea. Your health, your time and even your own life are being spent turning that wheel.
Mankind, unfortunately, has consented that everything that exists on the planet can be exchanged for some form of currency.
The true evil of the human species is a dark psychological mechanism created by ourselves, in which we give value to empty things and takes it away from others that really have it.
This epidemic has infected people’s minds to the point of making them slaves of their own system.
We are immersed in traditions, religions and laws. And we defend and protect these in an almost unhealthy way; creating homelands, singing hymns, drawing borders, drawing flags and feeding prejudices. This system encourages the unconscious, sleeping and dehumanized masses. It persecutes, harasses and even “eliminates” free individuals and pacifist leaders committed to true equality and to the values that really defend the freedom, autonomy and essence of the good-hearted human being. We find ourselves in a very difficult spider web to dodge and get out of once in.
The great enemy of the social system is individual consciousness and the very essence of being free and autonomous. And the only thing that can destroy it is the lucid, conscious and universal mind.
If you want to change the world, first you must unlearn what society has put inside you, then become aware of your authentic value as an all-powerful being of divine origin and embrace with you the true value of everything that surrounds you.
It is time that we start teaching each other and the future generations:
- Happiness can be found in personal autonomy
- Authentic well-being resides in financial freedom
- Through independence and self-knowledge, we can achieve love towards one another and the universe
- Treasures waiting for us once we delve into knowledge, financial education and continuous learning
- Infinite wealth resides in helping others
- Straying from the herd leads to true opportunities
Surround Yourself With True Wealth, Spiritual Wealth.
Our individual freedom is worth more than all the money on the planet. That freedom starts when you look within.
Your LEGS are worth more than all the cars in the world. You cannot build a leg that connects with this world the way yours do, but you can manufacture millions of cars.
Your WILL is greater than any country or nation, because you are a free-thinking individual and without individuals, countries are just imaginary lines on the globe.
The LOVE God has put within you to give to others is the purest guide you can have, much more than all the religious laws and traditions we have created to attempt to capture the essence of this love.
Whatever YOU are and whoever YOU are, your value can’t be calculated. It is always up to you to decide your path in the world and what you are going to exchange parts of you for.
To change the social systems it is important to connect within and fight an inner revolution. That’s a battle no one can win for us.
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